What it Feels Like to be a Skin Cancer Survivor
Skin cancer is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide, and its impact goes far beyond physical health. The emotional and psychological impact on patients and their loved ones cannot be understated.
When you receive a cancer diagnosis, your emotions can be overwhelming. You may feel isolated and alone. You may be scared and unsure of the future. You may be angry that your life has changed. And it is easy to believe that no one else understands all that you are going through. But reading about another’s journey from diagnosis to remission can provide positive reassurance, inspiration, and hope. Stories from other skin cancer survivors can serve as a reminder that even in the darkest times, light is ahead.
Reading through survivor stories can foster connection and inspire hope because you “meet” people who have gone through similar treatments, emotions, and stresses. These stories create a sense of community and support that can help you as you navigate your journey through this disease. Additionally, these stories can help you feel a part of a growing advocacy movement—one that is raising public consciousness about the importance of prevention, early detection, and research.
Read below for stories from people around the U.S. and the world who have been diagnosed with—and survived—skin cancer.
And, if you’re willing, share your own story.

Brittanny Groover: Melanoma Survivor

Rob’s Story: Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

Alvin’s Story: Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

David’s Story: Basal Cell Carcinoma

Jacki’s Story: Basal Cell Carcinomas and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

Wayne’s Story: Squamous Cell Skin Cancer