Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Share Your Skin Cancer Survivor Story

Some skin cancer can be simply removed and cured, and some will require a long, painful, and emotional fight—every journey is different. But no matter your journey, there are positive actions you can take to help heal, such as sharing your cancer story with other patients.

Sharing your survivor story inspires others and creates a sense of community for those currently battling the disease. By sharing our experiences as survivors, we contribute to the collective strength needed to conquer this formidable foe called cancer.

In addition to inspiring others, your story helps advocate for awareness and education about this disease. Your experience holds immense value in raising public consciousness about skin cancer.

Let your voice be heard – share your story and make a difference in the lives of those fighting skin cancer.


Share Your Survivor Story

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • We recommend that you type or cut and paste your story here, which should be approximately 450 words. You can include how and when you or your loved one were diagnosed with melanoma, the treatment process, sources of support (friends and family, community resources), challenges and fears, what you are doing today and anything else that you think will help others affected by melanoma.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    You can upload a video of your story. Please make sure the video is no bigger than 50mb to prevent issues during upload.
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